My junior year of college I took a trip with a few of my buddies to Big Bear, CA to learn how to snowboard. They all knew how to snowboard and I had no idea. After one very painful day full of falls and frustration I decided snowboarding was too hard and didn't want to learn. The second day as they all went to snowboard and explore Bear Mountain, I sat in the lodge and drank, heavily and steadily.
I nursed my wounds and that ended up being the only time I would snowboard that entire season. After a year I decided I wanted to go back out and try again, this time in Sunrise Ski Resort, AZ. The terrain was simple and the slope wasn't too much to handle and it was there that I learned the mechanics behind snowboarding. I can remember thinking that if I could just learn how to do ride toeside, I'd be happy. After I got that I remember thinking if I could just learn to carve when I ride and link turns, I'd be happy. Then it became jumps and grinds, then it became speed then...
I learned all this in one season with some very special people. Some are still in my life, others are not. In the end I decided the only way for me to progress was to remove myself from Arizona and find a new locale. I packed up my bags and headed north to Steamboat Springs, CO. I worked, played and loved in that town for just under a year before I made the decision to return to AZ.
Since that time I have found a hole in my heart, something that winter always fills each year. Now my days are filled with travel to new destinations and new mountains to conquer. In the years since I have been to just about every resort in CO, Park City, and returned to Bear. This year I've made the decision to travel and snowboard as much as I can, my goal being 30 days on snow. That's a lofty goal for anyone, especially someone in Arizona.
The only way I am going to get there is by being aggressive. This weekend marks the beginning of that attitude. I've got a room booked for Wolf Creek, CO and intend on a full day of riding. Granted, the resort only has a 13 inch base, but we all have to start somewhere. I purposefully didn't invite anyone on this trip, it's going to be a solo journey. Snowboarding is very personal to me and to open up the season I want to be left to my surroundings and my music. I know I will have trips full of friends and laughter this season but for the first one I want it to be about the sport. I'm excited to be left to my thoughts and watch the scenery shift from desert to mountain.
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